Pine Creek Construction Updates

At Anthem, our objective is to build Great Space for the growing families we build for, and the great communities we build in. It is important to us to prioritize the safety and happiness of our homeowners.

We recognize that there has been an increase in construction traffic in Pine Creek, some of it ours and some of it from other developers in the area.  Anthem is diligently engaged and working with other developers to mitigate the impacts of construction traffic and activity on our residents.  This will involve pursuing all opportunities to divert construction traffic activity away from established areas in Pine Creek.

We have put together the following summary of major construction activities in the area that could be impacting our residents below. We will update this weekly to ensure our residents have the most up to date information. Below is our update as of December 8, 2023:

Location Update Additional Information
Sheriff King Street (194th to 210th Avenue) The street will be open on December 9 with some construction around it. The city has completed their water feeder main project.

This now allows Anthem to complete additional underground infrastructure connections.

The current target is to have two lanes from 210th Avenue to 194th Avenue completed this fall. The adjacent developer (Mattamy) will complete the west two lanes on Sheriff King Street as their development of Yorkville progresses.

Anthem will continue to provide updates on the construction and timing of this road.

210th Avenue intersection at Sheriff King Street The intersection is now open to traffic with some construction around it. There is still construction around the intersection until the end of December.
Sheriff King Street intersection at Creekside Blvd The intersection is now open to traffic.
New community: Creek View We are working directly with our neighbour developer and contractors to establish a haul route that will lower the impact to our Pine Creek residents. WestCreek Developments has recently started construction on their new community which is directly south of Pine Creek. The first phase of their community involves a significant volume of dirt being removed from their community site.
Pine Creek Overall Community To better maintain roads during construction, we will continue weekly road sweeping on Creekside Drive SW, Creekside Blvd SW and Creekstone Drive SW as weather permits.


Other residential streets that have active construction will be swept bi-weekly. Sweeping is scheduled to take place on Tuesdays, weather pending.

This schedule will continue in December.


We apologize for the inconvenience and disruption this has caused.

If you have any further questions, please contact us directly at 403 265 6180 or